

Perks trailer is out! (since a long time ago)

The trailer came out on MTV Movie Awards few weeks ago and aldfkajdflia the trailer is flawless.

Belom baca bukunya sih. Tapi mungkin akan segera.

Katanya bukunya bagus tapi emang sedikit lebih gelap daripada trailernya. Kalo di trailernya yang ditunjukin cuma komedi dan party-party aja. 

Pengen nonton cuma karena ada Emma-nya doang?

Lawl. Biarin.

Ada Logan juga sih.

American accent-nya Emma sempurna bangetttt 

Every second of the trailer is gif-worthy. 

Brb belajar bikin gif.

Eh aku beneran belajar bikin gif loh. Dapet notes banyak~ #salah

Aku jadi sering banget nonton trailernya dan quotes-quotesnya nempel banget di kepala.

Charlie: Do you like football?
Patrick: Love it.
Cheerleaders: Be aggressive!
Patrick: Passive agressive!

Itu yang paling nempel di kepala Ilma. Huahaha.

Sam: Why do I, and everyone I love pick people who treat us like we're nothing?
Charlie: We accept the love we think we deserve.

Patrick: Ladies and gentlement, I am below average.
Sam: BELOW AVERAGE!!! Hermione will be ashamed.

Charlie: I know there are people who say all these things don't happen. I know these will all be stories someday. But right now, we are alive. And in this moment, I swear we are infinite.

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